There are 5 types of increased scholarships, and a student has the right to apply for any direction or several at once. Just keep in mind that the points will be calculated for each type separately - you won't be able to add them up, no matter how much you'd like. But you're probably more concerned with the question: "How much?" It's impossible to name a specific amount, since each university sets its own payment amount based on the scholarship fund and the student's level of achievement. One thing is certain: the amounts are decent, so you definitely won't be left without motivation.
The application procedure is the same in all cases. To receive an increased scholarship, you must do the following:
Submit an application (usually written at the dean's office and given to the person in charge).
Add a copy of your record book and documents confirming your achievements in one of the 5 areas.
Submit the application and documents to the person in charge (usually someone from the dean’s office).
The application will be reviewed along with the rest by the scholarship committee, which will assign points and compile a rating based on merit. Based on this, increased scholarships will be distributed. All you can do is cross your fingers and hope that you will end up somewhere at the top of the list. But it is better not to count on chance and try to collect as many points as possible to break away from competitors.

For academic success
Do you really love studying? Is every A a pleasure? Then your option is a scholarship for academic success. The plan is simple: pass the session with 4 and 5, after which you can apply for a raise. In the first case, there should be at least 50% A's. But here the scholarship size is not much different from the minimum. To become a "millionaire" by student standards, you need to study with A's and win prizes in Olympiads. The more of them, the more points you will have in your portfolio and the higher your chances of getting into the competition for the coveted scholarship.