Tips to make your product more attractive

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Tips to make your product more attractive

Post by Suhasini »

A good shopping experience can mean the difference between a shopper buying from you or from your competitor. And how you present your products plays a big role in your customer's russian phone number search shopping experience.

Take these two products as an example:

DIY Product Photos

Make the product more attractive

The first product is cheaper, and you can clearly see it's water, but ultimately it's not that appealing. The second product is more expensive, and there's no telling if there's actually water in the box... but it's trendy, the text is attractive, and those photos are damn cool.

If you order H2O online, we charge you for the boxed water.

Two products with the same functionality (and molecule), but one is inherently more desirable than the other. That’s the power of presentation.

Keep reading to learn some of our best presentation tips to make your products more attractive to your customers.

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Use a beautiful storefront grid
The human brain craves order, and online shopping is no exception. Customers want patterns. Logic. An easy, discernible way to efficiently digest information about your products. So help your customers find what they’re looking for quickly with a clear, organized online storefront.

A simple square grid does the job just fine. But what if you tweaked it to fit the size and proportions of your product?
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