Would you like to join us at the conference?Promotional poster for bime pro event on Wednesday, featuring speakers angela cortés, andrea valencia, and maría liñán discussing "hacking the industry" in the music sector.
Fill out this meeting request form to schedule an appointment with someone from our team. Additionally, two members of our Symphonic team will participate in two events:
Ana María Gamboa, Client Marketing & DSP Relations Manager , will speak at “Hacking the industry from within” which delves into the role of women in the music industry, and explores the “ways in business email address list poland which women articulate areas and projects within the sector, weaving networks of business, creativity, and different paths for the industry.”
Ana María García, A&R & Client Development , will speak at the workshop “Inside the Mind of an A&R” , which “offers a practical immersion into the process of discovering musical talent, along with valuable advice for emerging artists and industry agents.”
To learn more about BIME and everything it offers, click here to visit its official website right here .