Checker tool to quickly analyze

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Checker tool to quickly analyze

Post by hasnasadia »

You can also use Ahrefs’ free Website Traffic Checker tool to quickly analyze which searches bring them the most traffic and which pages they view the most. This way, you can show them that you understand their needs and have something valuable to offer. Offer something of value . In addition to complimenting them on the work they’re doing, you can recommend a resource that can help them improve (take a cue from the tips in points 3 and 13 of this article!). Alternatively, you can propose a guest post clearly explaining how it can help them achieve (what you imagine to be) their goals.

Be genuine, honest and respectful . Never use generic qatar mobile number sample spam messages, address them personally. You must be transparent about your intentions and expectations from the very beginning. Demonstrate your credibility, authority and reputation . To deserve their trust you must have a website that is up to par, full of high-quality content. Very important, as soon as you have it, is social proof: it shows who, before them, has trusted you and created a relationship with you. Ask for their feedback . Show how important it is for you to know their point of view. This step helps to show that you are interested in a sincere and lasting relationship, based on mutual appreciation.


Explain how you will thank them for their kindness . As you may already know, you cannot return the favor by inserting a link to their site in turn. Reciprocal link exchanges are considered spam by Google . However, you can use your social channels and your newsletter to invite your audience to read the guest post or article that talks about you. Extra. What NOT to do what not to do Unfortunately, while surfing the net, I found blogs that provided advice that was in my opinion really bad, if not worse. Despite this, they are well positioned on Google and it is certainly not my intention to cite them (so as not to further increase their "undeserved" reputation).
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