His story
It is expected that in a few years, there will be 50,000 more people in Berlin who will have to move around the city every day. You don't want to answer this question by building more tunnels, viaducts or ring roads in the middle of the city. There is a much more logical solution available: share the can that is driving around with more people. The cars that drive around in the city move a lot of air and unoccupied seats. The answer is ride sharing , a better use of the can capacity.
Now there are many reasons for not wanting to participate in this. The most important reason is a psychological one: people are solitary, value privacy, do not like to sit right next to a stranger, japan phone number list want to avoid the chance of a conversation.
A solution that could be part of the answer: the van from MOIA, the Multivan. It is a large van, specially developed for this purpose by Volkswagen. Wifi on board, six comfortable seats, two of which are next to each other ("We call it the love seat"), all seats have armrests, USB, own light. A first test has started in Hannover. Twenty cars are driving around, at this stage still on petrol. A closed group of 1500 citizen testers regularly use MOIA with the help of the MOIA app. Mothers who send their children to music lessons, people on their way to work, messengers, athletes.
You don't want to answer this question by building more tunnels, viaducts or ring roads in the middle of the city.

Two things stand out from the test. It turns out that it is family members (father/mother-daughter/son, sister-brother) who use the bus. It is also surprising that the occupancy is high from eleven o'clock in the evening.
Based on the experiences, a start will be made next year in Hamburg. A thousand electric cars will be released in a city that is considered one of the most innovative cities in Europe. This will expand to other cities. And ultimately, by 2025, one million cars should have disappeared from the streets of major European and American cities.