Procedure for filing claims for invalid transactions

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Procedure for filing claims for invalid transactions

Post by Mimakte »

The court has the right to determine the agreement as invalid and apply the corresponding consequences of this. It is necessary to file a claim for recognition of the transaction as such within the statutory limitation periods.

The reasoning part of the statement specifies the requirement to apply the consequences of the invalidity of the agreement. The statement itself is a formality, since a voidable transaction is considered as such from the moment it is concluded.

However, the court may, on its own initiative, declare the agreement invalid and reflect this in its decision.

In cases involving voidable transactions, the claim includes two main requirements:

recognition of the agreement as invalid;

application of the corresponding consequences of this fact.

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Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2015 No. 25 contains clarifications on the application by courts of various provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, including issues of recognizing transactions as invalid and the consequences of this.


The period for filing a claim for the application of the consequences of a void agreement is three years from the date of commencement of the execution of this agreement. It is established for the persons participating in this transaction and begins from the moment when its execution became actual.

The process of applying to court on issues of invalidity of agreements is an important aspect of protecting the rights of subjects of civil circulation, requiring strict adherence to deadlines and legal norms.

Procedure for filing claims for invalid transactions


If a third party who is not a party to the agreement applies to the court, the limitation period for filing a claim for the application of the consequences of its invalidity is three years. This period begins from the moment when it understood or should have known about the beginning of its execution.

The maximum limitation period for invalid transactions cannot exceed ten years from the date of violation of the right (Article 181 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The period for filing a claim for recognition of a voidable transaction as invalid and application of the corresponding consequences is one year. This period begins from the moment when the violent actions or threats under the influence of which the agreement was concluded cease, or from the moment when the plaintiff learned of the violation of his rights and has grounds for filing a lawsuit.

Judicial deadlines for invalid transactions are strictly regulated norms that must be observed to protect the legitimate interests of all parties in civil legal relations.

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Examples of invalidation of transactions
In the context of a possible invalidation of a transaction, there are several situations that require special attention to documents and circumstances. Let's look at common cases where risks are relevant and a thorough check is necessary.

Buying a share in an apartment
When purchasing it, it is important to follow certain rules, including the need to obtain consent from other owners of parts. Violation of this requirement may serve as grounds for challenging the transaction by other participants.

Often, in a situation of conflict between owners, one of them, fearing a refusal of preferential rights or a delay in the process, may present the action as a gift agreement. Such legal tricks may be recognized by the court as invalid in the future.
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