Best browser for opening internal links on android how to find

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Best browser for opening internal links on android how to find

Post by mstlucky5555 »

Do you often open links from your phone? We figure out how to set the browser to open internal links on Android. We give step-by-step instructions for setting up and installing the application in offline mode. We suggest how to avoid specifying the option manually each time you open internal links.
Browser, loaded by default for viewing links on Android, automatically opens all links after clicking. If the phone has a standard search engine, then it opens pages. Usually, this is an inconvenient and slow application that causes inconvenience with regular use. It is recommended to install a separate browser for these purposes. Then, with each new attempt to open a link, the phone will ask through which program to launch. We will tell you how to set the settings for opening links from Android by default, so as not to specify this manually each time.
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The first way to set default parameters
This method involves manually setting the necessary parameters saudi arabia mobile number directory on Android. When you subsequently open links, the smartphone will not ask which program to use to perform the action. How to set the correct parameters for automatically opening links:


— Open your phone settings.
— Select the "Applications" menu.
— Find the "Additional settings" or "More" item.
— Click on the line "Browser".
— Select from the list of browsers the one through which the links will be opened later.
Other default options are set in the same way: automatic music playback, gallery application, other.

The second way to set the default opening of links
The second method is simpler, but there are some nuances. If two or more programs for opening links are downloaded to the smartphone, but none has yet been selected for automatic launch, follow these steps:
— Open any active link from your smartphone.
— The next window opens a request to open a web page through the proposed application. Find the browser you want to install to open links offline from Android.
— Click "Always open" or "Remember choice".
The specified program will open automatically the next time you launch links; the request will appear again only if the smartphone settings fail or the previously specified browser is deleted.
If the standard search engine does not suit you for opening links, download any other from the Play Market to your phone or tablet on the Android operating system. All browsers are protected from viruses and malware in the store, you can download them without risk. It is not recommended to install a browser from the Internet, it can be infected with viruses or supplied with programs that steal personal and banking data.

This method is suitable for the first installation of the default browser. For subsequent changes, you will have to use the standard method - setting the desired parameters through the smartphone menu. You can install a new browser for opening web pages from Android in this way by deleting the old one.
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