The user could specify that each pair

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The user could specify that each pair

Post by phonedata »

Firstly, the transactions that are analysed can be restricted using a transactional filter selection. For example, we could restrict our holidays to be expensive ones, or restrict the football matches to be just league matches.

Secondly, the user can specify an cyprus mobile number optional parameter to break a pattern if the gap between two adjacent transactions is too great. When sequencing by a date variable, for example, of holidays has less than 365 days between them.

Finally, there is no restriction on the naming of the patterns so you can give the same name to multiple patterns if you want different patterns to return the same value.

This blog post has introduced functionality that has been introduced in the Q4 2018 release and extended to include the ‘*’ wildcard in the Q1 2019 release. It enables quicker and easier analysis of sequences of transactions. Hopefully you’ve also learnt something new about football statistics along the way!

Keep your eyes peeled for a second blog post on the subject of pattern matching which will be along shortly.
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