As a standout feature of GemPages, which uses AI technology, Image-to-Layout helps convert images or URLs into editable layouts. Thanks to this feature, the structure of references is quickly decoded so you can customize it.
Follow the steps above to enter the GemPages editor. You will see a reference box to insert the image or URL you want:
Using GemPages to create a collection page
Click “Generate” and let GemPages AI read the references. Once the layouts are created, you can easily customize the page to fit your business needs using our Editor and extensive list of elements.
GemPages' artificial intelligence feature helps create pages
Shopify TenTree Store Reference
Once the AI has finished reading, you can choose which sections you want to display on your page. To finish, click " Generate ."
Requirements for uploading images and URLs:
For URL:
English language only
Make sure the URL is publicly accessible, meaning the russian phone number site should not be locked by any type of authentication (e.g. password) or open only to a specific location or specific visitors.
The site should not exceed 25 sections.
For the image:
Maximum file size: 20 MB
There is no minimum file size requirement
Minimum width: 1440px
Maximum height: 20000px
Supported formats: png, jpg, jpeg
GemPages’ AI feature has received widespread praise for its exceptional benefits, making it an indispensable tool for users of all levels of design proficiency. The brilliance of this AI lies in its intelligent capabilities, which not only streamline the design process but also save valuable time. Users have expressed their satisfaction with the platform, highlighting its user-friendly nature and suitability for people with different design skills.
Start exploring GemPages now to discover the full potential of this remarkable AI feature. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your design experience – install GemPages and witness the positive impact of this powerful feature.
Create your Collection page with GemPages' new AI feature: Image-to-Layout
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- Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:03 am