Highlight Your Promotions and Offers

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[email protected]
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Highlight Your Promotions and Offers

Post by [email protected] »

With tailored ads and post-click landing pages, another thing to consider is the mapping of your queries. It’s important to add negative keywords to your different dynamic search ad groups and campaigns to improve where specific user queries are mapped across campaigns and ad groups. This will also help ensure that your dynamic search networks are showing the most relevant ad for the most relevant query.

Once you’ve finished creating your campaign structure, you should create one final dynamic search campaign if you haven’t already. A “catch-all” dynamic search campaign is designed to catch azerbaijan phone number library all the other queries that don’t appear in your category campaigns.

3. Search for the Negatives
Research not only for dynamic search negatives, but also for keywords to include in your text campaigns.

While you should continue to add negative keywords to help improve the experience, you should also look to add keywords to your text campaigns. Look for keywords that have good volume and/or keywords that convert really well. It’s best to keep these queries as actual keywords in your text campaigns so you can track changes in performance and competition for those keywords and not be tied to a dynamic search campaign.

Since DSAs dynamically generate headlines, you can focus on showing more promotion and emphasis on your business. Free shipping, fast delivery, etc.


Then make sure to highlight this in your description line and let the system create custom titles for you.

5. Take Advantage of Smart Bidding
Leveraging Smart Bidding really helps advertisers improve their backend performance, such as cost per acquisition and return on ad spend. I recommend placing all dynamic search campaigns on smart bidding, whether it’s target CPA or target ROAS. If you’re an advertiser looking to improve your cost per acquisition, set the target CPA bid. If you’re looking to make more sales with a similar or higher spend, I recommend a ROAS bid strategy. Each of these will analyze your previous conversion data and performance and suggest a target.
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