Dive Deeper with the New Assisted Conversions Report

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Dive Deeper with the New Assisted Conversions Report

Post by ashammi228 »

Sad story
Good story
The end
In online advertising, every ruble spent is important. To spend your budget effectively, it is not enough to know which channel led to the sale, you need to understand which channels were previous and had an indirect impact on the choice of your product. For these purposes, we have created a new report in end-to-end analytics, “Associated Conversions.” Let us tell you how it works.

Sad story
The manager gave the marketer Georgy a task: to increase the number of leads. Zhora thought about it, googled it, brainstormed with his colleagues and decided to connect a new advertising channel - media. But the management did not allocate an additional budget. "No problem!" thought our hero, "We can turn off the channels that bring few requests."

A standard report on channels and requests revealed the telegram database search weakest link — e-mail newsletters. Only 6 conversions over the past month with a budget of 30,000 rubles. No sooner said than done: without declaring war, Zhora terminated the contract with the mailing agency and signed a new one with a company specializing in media.

A month later, media advertising showed good results: + 55 requests per month. Great, if not for one significant BUT - the total number of leads fell. Zhora is horrified. Analysis of channels shows that the context, which had previously been steadily generating about 200 requests per month, has dropped to 150 over the past period. What's going on?

Don't waste your advertising budget
The call tracking and end-to-end analytics service will show the effectiveness of each source in terms of “from click to sale”.

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Good story
Zhora, don't be sad, but rather make peace with your e-mail contractors. The thing is that some channels play an indirect role in sales rather than a direct one. Disabling such channels is fraught with a drop in the number of requests, sometimes quite noticeable. To understand the real effectiveness of a particular channel, we created a new report, "Associated Conversions".

How does this work?

You learn about a sale on tours to Georgia from an email newsletter. You go to the website, click on the dates, check the prices and… a colleague at work distracts you. A couple of days later, you catch yourself still dreaming about khachapuri. So you open Yandex, type in the name of the travel agency and click on the first ad that pops up to the already familiar website.

The standard report will count your transition as a transition from contextual advertising. But we remember that you learned about the trip via a mailing list. This means that the participation of this channel in the conversion is no less significant, and rather, even more significant. The "Associated Conversions" report records all such requests and thus shows the real effectiveness of a particular channel.

You can analyze channels by any dimensions and indicators. For example, view all associated conversions for the desired advertising campaign, ad group, ad or keyword. In addition to dimensions, the report can be customized by any desired indicators in the funnel: requests, deals, revenue.

Svyatoslav Vasiliev, UIS Product Director

How is our report different from the Assisted Conversions report in Google Analytics?

We can analyze the contribution of channels not only by requests, but also by such data from CRM as deal conversion by stages or revenue. Also, the subject of analysis can be ad groups, ads and other data that we download from advertising systems. If we return to the analysis by requests, then in this report you can select target requests by any characteristics, be it an attribute or a set of tags.

The end
Our hero sat down to rework the marketing strategy, as he saw the real role of all advertising channels in making deals...

Colleagues, Georgy has stepped on the rake for you — when “cleaning” your advertising channels, do not make hasty decisions. With the new report, you can analyze channels more deeply, taking into account their indirect impact on conversions. Make the right marketing decisions, and may every advertising dollar be spent wisely. :
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