When looking for your first job, you'll probably come across the term "employee benefits" more than once. What are they and what are the trends in the job market related to them? Employee benefits are so-called non-wage benefits, i.e. allowances and bonuses unrelated to salary. If you don't know which benefits are cool and which are a thing of the past, we'll be happy to tell you more about them!
Benefits that match the times
The history of benefits goes back quite a long time. When they were created, they were supposed to compensate for what was severely lacking. This was the role of food and holiday packages or regeneration meals. Of course, it was not the type of incentive that we have today. Everyone knew that "whether you stand or lie down, you get two thousand" and there was no talk of motivation.
Bonuses that have phone lists for sale become a thing of the past
Not very sophisticated and unattractive benefits sooner or later become a thing of the past or are less and less common. This was the case with shopping vouchers for supermarkets (today we have e-vouchers, for example), and it is the case with, among others, holidays under a pear tree (co-financing trips during vacation). This path is also followed - although much younger - by benefits such as vegetable buckets, fruit Thursdays, barbecue Fridays, sweet Wednesdays ... You may still come across them more than once when browsing job offers, but these days these bonuses no longer attract candidates as they used to. They are more the subject of jokes and memes. Many of us prefer to receive an attractive salary, have the opportunity to develop, be respected and work in a friendly atmosphere.
You didn't expect this
It may seem that fruit Thursdays are a joke in the hall. But the benefits can be worse than a bowl of questionable freshness of apples in the cafeteria. What kind? Well, watch out. Here are a few examples from the Facebook group "Korpo Biurwa po godziny" (Corporate Offices after hours). Look and admire: a reflective vest with the company logo and a thick, industrial roll of toilet paper for winning a sales contest. You can go wild. A piece of peat and pine seeds plus the inscription: "put down roots with us" for the first anniversary of work . A certificate to print yourself for 10 years of work. A prepaid card for USD 100 sent from the States, for which you had to pay PLN 280 in customs duties and - attention! - a training on saving and managing a household budget.