Link Intersect Cartoon Getting started is really simple

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Link Intersect Cartoon Getting started is really simple

Post by zihadhasan012 »

Just enter your own site, plus up to 5 competitors and the tool will find pages on the web that point to two or more of those pages, then list those in descending order of importance. The tool currently lives inside our SEOmoz Labs (which houses a ton of our best stuff) atintersect. We don't have fancy graphics or great UI in Labs, but the functionality takes center stage: Competitive Link Finder Tool The results look like this: Link Intersect Tool Results For each domain that's mentioned, you can see a breakout list of the pages that point to those URLs, a checkmark next to the domains you've already earned a link from and data on the importance of the domains and pages (Domain mozRank and mozRank, respectively) listed.

When you click the number of links from any give jordan mobile phone numbers database n site, the tool surfaces a list of those exact pages, making it easy to see where and how they've earned those links. The features are just killer: The tool ignores nofollow links, so you're only seeing pages that have actual, live links to at least two of your competitors As our metrics (DmR, mR, DmT, etc.) have improved over time, the results really do feel like they're ranked in order of importance/potential value The data is extremely comprehensive - since Linkscape crawls a dramatic portion of the "important" web, the probability of finding great links is very high When SEOs talk about "hubs" from the Hubs & Authorities link model of the web, that's exactly what this tool is finding.

Thus, you may see even more benefit from attaining these links than the raw metrics might indicate The tool includes pagination, so you can see hundreds, sometimes thousands of potential link sources and every new competitor or site you add is a new opportunity to discover more link resources Don't just limit yourself to narrow competitors - plug in any site in your field that's roughly related and you can find the intersection of potential links; the possibilities for finding links with this tool are limited only by your ability to plug in new sites and pages The Competitive Link Finder is currently available only to PRO members (who have unlimited access for now).

However, tonight, we're opening the link finder to all SEOmoz members; just log in to your account and for the next 24 hours (until 11:55pm Pacific, Thursday September 2nd) you can try
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