As soon as I logged in and went to edit my profile

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As soon as I logged in and went to edit my profile

Post by zihadhasan012 »

I got a popup asking me if I'd like to use the new Beta. Hrmmm sure! And VOILA! As soon as I chose the Beta version, my link was now followed! Here's an example of a profile passing juice: YouTube Channel for Tutvid I still didn't really believe it though. So I poked around in the code trying to see if they had the beta versions noindexed or hidden via the robots.

Txt or something like that. Nope, I couldn't find a egypt mobile phone numbers database nything. From here I started to dig around, I wanted to find a site that had received MozRank to their personal site FROM their YouTube channel. I mean heck, with an overall PR 9 and DmR 9.06 who wouldn't want a nice juicy link from YouTube? MozRank passed by YouTube Hubba hubba! There it is... passing nice juice! Sure the anchor text isn't the greatest, but the actual PR on the page is a PR 6.

Very nice. Facebook Now, you're wondering how to get a link from Facebook since I mentioned it above. Some of you may have already read about this over at HubSpot but you can create followed links on Facebook pages using HTML or FBML (Facebook Markup Language). Check out the Jack & Bobby Facebook page (a show on the WB) as an example. Facebook passing MozRank Before you get too excited I want to make it clear that spamming these sites in any way is a terrible idea.
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