Tips & tricks for earning money with websites, blogs,… This is how you can earn money in the future despite GDPR! How to earn money with Amazon rewards CategoryAdWords , Make Money , Google AdSense , SEM tagsMake money , Google , Google AdSense , Keywords , Key words , Search term Does anyone still blog and is a blog still worthwhile today? New YouTube studio, technology, workflow, traffic record and more – Blog Case Study Part 33 13 thoughts on “How to earn more money with expensive keywords”
In contrast, things are a little quieter in the first few croatia whatsapp months of the year. I find it exciting and varied. rankings and traffic Finally, let's take a look at the rankings of my board game blog and the traffic figures in January 2020. I already reported that the last Google update in mid-January caught me out a bit. The visibility values of my board game blog have dropped and a few rankings have suffered as well. However, seasonal effects make it difficult to assess how much of an impact this has had on visitor numbers.
Visibility and traffic cannot always be equated 1:1. Here you can see the development of the XOVI OVI visibility value to date. There is already a clear decline. Christmas business with record revenues and current rankings - Blog Case Study Part 34 Interestingly, the number of top 10 rankings has actually increased recently. If you look at individual keywords, it doesn't look so bad. However, there have been continued fluctuations since the Google update, even with the main keywords. But my blog has already recovered somewhat.