This also shows that the article has lost none of its timelessness and is still widely read. In total, the article has received around 150,000 views so far. Top articles on Since the beginning of 2014 I have been blogging on (until 2021), where it is mainly about building niche websites and information about the Niche Sites Challenge. How to find a profitable niche - step by step One of the first articles was this one, which was published on March 5, 2014.
In it, I present in great detail my approach to singapore whatsapp building a niche website. The article is still one of the longest on this blog and is still very popular. In the first year, the article had around 10,000 views, which is very good for a niche blog with a very specific topic. In 2019, five years after its publication, the article still had around 7,000 views. In total, it has had over 60,000 views since publication.
Top article on My web hosting blog is even more niche, but unfortunately I don't update it with new content as often as I would like. I simply don't have the time. This blog was launched in early 2012, but was initially more of a static niche website. It was only about two years later that I turned it into a fairly typical looking blog. And there are also articles there that have attracted a relatively large number of visitors since the blog was launched.