Define your client's socioeconomic profile

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Define your client's socioeconomic profile

Post by Abdur14 »

Equally important are the variables related to the sociocultural environment, such as the economic level of our clients, their educational level , the languages ​​they speak, their customs and values . As an example , let's imagine that a company that sells its products all over the world carries out the same campaign in all countries, without adapting the languages, customs and peculiarities of the area. In this case, there would have been a failure in defining their customs and values, which would have caused the campaign to fail.

At this point, it is essential to carry out solid market research to understand the key aspects of the field in which the company will operate and to discover whether the target market you had in mind really exists or whether it is necessary to adapt to a new reality.

Let's imagine this example: a company that sells original greece number data floats for the beach or pool in Spain decides to go international and start selling them in a landlocked country with little pool penetration. Failure is guaranteed. Its target should probably not have included citizens of that country.

Define your client's digital profile
Nowadays, this definition is as important as the previous ones. It is essential to know the user profile of our client, that is , what social networks do they use? Are they active on these media? How often do they browse? What keywords do they use to search for the product or service we offer? Answering these questions is very important, especially when carrying out online advertising campaigns or simply to improve our SEO positioning with respect to what the client is looking for , in this context of the evolution of social networks .
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