As video content continues to take over more and more of your online traffic, it’s a no-brainer to incorporate video into your content strategy. Video gets read, shared, and linked to your site, providing a wealth of signals to boost your search rankings.
Creating good code is one aspect of optimizing your content for better search engine rankings. Here are some aspects you need to pay attention to:
Use keywords in your page titles because Google looks at them first to determine what content is relevant to a given search. The page title is displayed as the first line of a search result.
Use different headings to show the hierarchy of your content. philippines phone number example If your title is formatted as h1, use h2 or h3 for subheadings.
Create a meta description that not only attracts readers but also includes a keyword phrase. Meta descriptions should be up to 160 characters long.
Use keywords in your alt tags to show how your images are relevant to your main content. Google also has an image search engine, which is another way to find your content.
For some time now, Google has been using artificial intelligence to better rank websites. It calls these signals RankBrain. These include the following signals that affect your site's ranking in the search engine:
Click-through rate – the percentage of people who click on a link to visit your website after your listing appears in search results
Bounce rate, specifically pogosticking, which is the number of people who, after coming to your site, went back to the search results and selected a different link, meaning your site didn't give them what they were looking for
Duration of use – length of time spent on the website after arriving at it.
If people land on your site and don’t like it, they’ll return to the search results, and Google will assume that the page doesn’t have content that’s of interest to that user. If more people do this, it can be harder for you to rank higher in the search results. On the other hand, if people come to your website from the search results and stay there for a while, that tells Google that your content is important to search.
As we said at the beginning, the web is built on links, so naturally links are a key SEO ranking factor. There are three types of links:

Incoming links
Outgoing links
Internal links
Google uses inbound links as one way to determine how authoritative and relevant your content is. The best-case scenario is when a credible site includes a relevant link to your site in a relevant part of its content. So if the Internet Marketing Institute links to your marketing material, it will be perceived more favorably than if a random person with poor quality content links to your article.