The nuances of developing a strategy for promotion in social networks
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:34 am
To understand what to start from, characterize your social media audience: its composition, activity, preferred types of content.
Let's get to know our competitors better .
What interests us here?
Content . Studying it allows you to get a mailing address example philippines general idea of competitors' resources and user engagement - what the content is about, how it is presented and what reaction it evokes.
Feedback . Comments can be used to judge what users want to know, whether they receive polite and timely responses. In addition, they characterize the priority area of the company's work: usually attention is paid to issues directly related to the sale of goods, and other comments are ignored.

In any case, you cannot perceive the findings as absolute truth. You do not have a holistic understanding of your competitors' strategy, and therefore, what they are striving for and how much money they are allocating for marketing purposes.
We study the audience .
This is an extremely important stage. We need to evaluate traffic statistics and individual indicators. Step by step, we select the target audience from the general mass of users.
Regions of residence, gender and age of visitors . With the help of this data, you can generally describe potential clients.
Length of stay on the site, number of transitions . From here you can see who stays on the site the longest, how many pages they visit. Accordingly, you can find out which users are most attracted to product information.
The amount of income from each segment (which specific products are sold and to whom).
It is recommended to adhere to the following scheme. We determine which of our subscribers correspond to the general characteristics and check on which channels they are active. This will make it easier to identify the audience's preferences.
Then we conduct a survey for representatives of the target audience to clarify how they feel about the product, what they are guided by when purchasing, and what benefits they get from it.
Next, we look at resources where potential clients can share their opinions and draw conclusions about how the public perceives the product.
The nuances of developing a strategy for promotion in social networks
We formulate insight and propose a solution .
Creating a powerful insight requires significant effort. But if successful, you will be able to convey the essence of the offer to the buyer and win his trust.
Preparation of the solution includes the following steps:
the strategist develops a content map and determines the direction of information;
the copywriter determines the tone of voice - the manner in which the brand interacts with the audience, which is an important part of its image;
the designer creates the graphic design;
The targetologist forms an advertising strategy.
Now we need to define the KPIs and check their implementation. We indicate what result we expect from the interaction and in what time frame.
The nuances of developing a strategy for promotion in social networks
KPI includes the indicators we strive for. For example, if we want to attract more attention to the brand on social networks, KPIs describe the number of views of content and user activity.
KPIs are divided into two groups:
Quantitative - characterize the overall engagement of the social media audience: how many times an article was read or a video was watched on YouTube.
Qualitative — users' reactions to your publications: likes or subscriptions to the community. The number of leads that came to you through social networks can also be included in this category.
Once the strategy is complete, you need to get approval from the decision maker. And only then can you start creating content according to the plan.
Let's get to know our competitors better .
What interests us here?
Content . Studying it allows you to get a mailing address example philippines general idea of competitors' resources and user engagement - what the content is about, how it is presented and what reaction it evokes.
Feedback . Comments can be used to judge what users want to know, whether they receive polite and timely responses. In addition, they characterize the priority area of the company's work: usually attention is paid to issues directly related to the sale of goods, and other comments are ignored.

In any case, you cannot perceive the findings as absolute truth. You do not have a holistic understanding of your competitors' strategy, and therefore, what they are striving for and how much money they are allocating for marketing purposes.
We study the audience .
This is an extremely important stage. We need to evaluate traffic statistics and individual indicators. Step by step, we select the target audience from the general mass of users.
Regions of residence, gender and age of visitors . With the help of this data, you can generally describe potential clients.
Length of stay on the site, number of transitions . From here you can see who stays on the site the longest, how many pages they visit. Accordingly, you can find out which users are most attracted to product information.
The amount of income from each segment (which specific products are sold and to whom).
It is recommended to adhere to the following scheme. We determine which of our subscribers correspond to the general characteristics and check on which channels they are active. This will make it easier to identify the audience's preferences.
Then we conduct a survey for representatives of the target audience to clarify how they feel about the product, what they are guided by when purchasing, and what benefits they get from it.
Next, we look at resources where potential clients can share their opinions and draw conclusions about how the public perceives the product.
The nuances of developing a strategy for promotion in social networks
We formulate insight and propose a solution .
Creating a powerful insight requires significant effort. But if successful, you will be able to convey the essence of the offer to the buyer and win his trust.
Preparation of the solution includes the following steps:
the strategist develops a content map and determines the direction of information;
the copywriter determines the tone of voice - the manner in which the brand interacts with the audience, which is an important part of its image;
the designer creates the graphic design;
The targetologist forms an advertising strategy.
Now we need to define the KPIs and check their implementation. We indicate what result we expect from the interaction and in what time frame.
The nuances of developing a strategy for promotion in social networks
KPI includes the indicators we strive for. For example, if we want to attract more attention to the brand on social networks, KPIs describe the number of views of content and user activity.
KPIs are divided into two groups:
Quantitative - characterize the overall engagement of the social media audience: how many times an article was read or a video was watched on YouTube.
Qualitative — users' reactions to your publications: likes or subscriptions to the community. The number of leads that came to you through social networks can also be included in this category.
Once the strategy is complete, you need to get approval from the decision maker. And only then can you start creating content according to the plan.