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What are we talking about? Customer loyalty is their positive attitude and high level of trust towards the company, its products or services. Such consumers make repeat purchases, bring friends, and act as brand advocates.
What to pay attention to? Formation of loyalty is a complex work, during which the quality of goods and services, interaction of personnel with customers are monitored, and special tools are used: bonus programs, mailings, promotions.
In this article:
Concept and levels of customer loyalty
The Importance of whatsapp number australia Customer Loyalty for Business
Mechanism for forming customer loyalty
Customer Loyalty Assessment
4 principles of building customer loyalty
Types of customer loyalty programs
Additional methods to increase customer loyalty
Increasing customer loyalty in B2B
Frequently Asked Questions About Customer Loyalty
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Concept and levels of customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is an important factor in the success of any business. When consumers feel positive about a company and its products, they continue to purchase and recommend products to friends and family. Thus, loyal customers become a kind of brand advocates, helping to attract new customers.
Concept and levels of customer loyalty
Source: shutterstock.com
Let's figure out what the difference is between loyal customers and retained customers. Both come back to us to make purchases, but the reasons for their return are different. Loyal customers rate the company highly and consciously choose us among many others. They value these services, products and attitude towards them.
While retained customers may shop with us simply because we are located near their home or work. This convenience may be a deciding factor in choosing a store, but it does not guarantee long-term loyalty. As soon as their route changes or a new store opens closer to home, they will easily switch to another retailer.
Signs of customer loyalty:
Makes frequent purchases and is eager to try new products.
Actively participates in various promotions, collecting bonuses and discounts.
I am ready to pay a higher price, wait for delivery and not switch to a competitor’s product.
Insensitive to price fluctuations.
Does not respond to competitors' advertising campaigns.
Emotionally attached to a product or company, shares impressions online and offline, recommends products.
Can offer his own ideas for improving the product.
Depending on the degree of commitment to the brand and the frequency of purchases, there are four types or levels of loyalty.
Attachment Frequency of purchases
Often Rarely
Strong True loyalty Latent loyalty
Weak Pseudo-loyalty Absolute loyalty
Absolute loyalty is typical for new or occasional customers. To increase their interest, it is important to take preventive measures. Good service, support and additional services create conditions for customers to return.
Pseudo-loyalty occurs when a customer makes repeat purchases but has no real attachment to the brand and may look for alternatives. To increase the loyalty of this group, it is advisable to use marketing methods. These are contests, discounts, bonus programs and gifts.
Latent loyalty describes a situation where a customer is emotionally connected to a brand but purchases infrequently. To strengthen their commitment, it is important to understand the reasons for infrequent purchases. Perhaps prices seem high, a favorite brand is out of stock, or delivery is at an inconvenient time. Customers with latent loyalty represent potential for sales growth.
True loyalty is the best situation for a seller. Such a consumer not only regularly buys the product, but also sincerely recommends it to friends.