Telegram , the messaging app, recently launched Telegram Business, its professional profile version of the platform.
The new feature is offered as a paid service, starting at R$12.49 per month on Android and iOS, with access to exclusive features for companies and freelancers in the app.
But what are the features of the professional version? Among the main Telegram philippines code number Business tools is the ability to add the location of the establishment, set opening hours, organize chats with colored labels and create automatic greeting and absence messages.
Additionally, users will also have the ability to create shortcuts for quick responses, providing more efficient interaction with their customers.
Therefore, Telegram Business subscribers will have access to:
Option to create an automatic welcome message to any customer;
Space to enter the address and opening hours;
Automatic away message for conversations made outside of business hours;
Tags for organizing conversations;
Quick and standardized response shortcuts.
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New updates coming soon
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said that the platform will have some more new features by the end of this month. Among them, support for AI chatbots, capable of functioning as “invisible secretaries” to respond to conversations.