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How email marketing can help your IE attract and retain students

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:21 am
by Abdur11
Did you know that an email marketing strategy can be used during all stages of the student journey? This strategy can help your institution attract new students and even retain those already enrolled.

Anyone who thinks that email is no longer important today is mistaken.

It is already proven that 92% of adults on the Internet use email, and 61% of them use it daily , according to research done by Pew Research .

On top of that, email is 40 times more effective for acquiring new customers ( Campaign Monitor ) and your message is 5 times more likely to be seen ( Radicati ) when compared to social media.

Based on these and other statistics, in this post we will phone number philippines discuss the characteristics and advantages that email marketing can offer your educational institution.

Email Marketing
Before going into detail regarding email marketing strategy, let's define some concepts that can often be confused: email marketing, newsletter and spam do not mean the same thing. Learn the differences between each:

A newsletter is a type of email marketing produced at a fixed frequency and which normally addresses topics such as updates, news and curiosities about the best posts on your institution's blog, for example:


If your IE is a university with a variety of courses and a large number of students, having a weekly newsletter may be welcome due to the volume of information you need to disseminate. However, if you work on a small English course, which generally has a smaller number of students, a monthly newsletter may meet your needs.

The frequencies mentioned above are only suggestions based on the number of students, courses and particularities of each type of institution. Therefore, to find the most suitable frequency for your business, it is necessary to carry out tests and compare the results found.

A newsletter can be seen as another opportunity for your IE to become increasingly closer to your students. To make this happen, use this medium to transmit relevant information that sparks interest and directs the reader to an action, such as sharing or commenting on a new course that will be offered.

By keeping these details in mind, it is possible to increase the chances that your students will open your newsletter and not mark it as spam.