The traffic source dimension tells

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The traffic source dimension tells

Post by sakibkhan22197 »

Session Source : The specific source that is sending the traffic
Session Medium : The type of traffic
Source/medium of the session : A combination of the two dimensions above
Session Campaign : Traffic coming from a specific marketing campaign
Session Default Channel Grouping : Rule-Based Traffic Group Definitions
Let's review each of them.

you the specific location (i.e. website or platform) where your traffic is coming from.

Let’s go back to the company example phone number in korea above. You’ve already seen your Session source data, with the majority of traffic coming from Google and smaller amounts from Bing and direct traffic.

Data displayed for session sources "google", "direct" and "bing"
It's helpful to know that Google is your most important source of traffic. But what if you're running paid search ads on Google and also working to increase your organic search traffic?


To do this, you need to look at your traffic medium.

Traffic medium tells you about the type of traffic that is coming to your website. Another way to look at it is how that traffic got to your site.

Below you can see the same 111,444 sessions classified at the average Session level.

Sessions classified in the Medium level of the session
This is what the first five rows mean:
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