This is only a Chicago thing and we’re
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:22 am
It was talking about, in 1982, Johnson and Johnson had a huge Tylenol outbreak where someone was tampering with their Tylenol. They were putting cyanide in the tablets of Tylenol. People were taking it and they were dying from this and it was mainly happening in Chicago. Johnson and Johnson got pulled in by the FDA. They said, okay let’s mark it and let’s not freak all of America out. Only pull back what is in Chicago, for example. And Johnson and Johnson could have said, okay, yeah.
Just gonna pull that back but everyone else is okay. But what they did instead, the main french email address list CEO, I think it was, came and said we are gonna pull back a hundred million dollars worth of Tylenol products because we have no proof that this is only in Chicago. We have made a huge mistake. We allowed our bottles to be tampered with. And in the end, they were so vulnerable about the mistakes that they had and they owned it.

And guess what happened? One, their stock crashed to zero dollars first and then two, what happened was as they were messaging this, as they were being authentic and vulnerable and taking responsibility and owning it and showing these people that they care more about their safety than making money or having a product, all of a sudden their stock started going back up and it went all the way back up past to where it was when the incident happened. And now Johnson and Johnson is a huge company.
Just gonna pull that back but everyone else is okay. But what they did instead, the main french email address list CEO, I think it was, came and said we are gonna pull back a hundred million dollars worth of Tylenol products because we have no proof that this is only in Chicago. We have made a huge mistake. We allowed our bottles to be tampered with. And in the end, they were so vulnerable about the mistakes that they had and they owned it.

And guess what happened? One, their stock crashed to zero dollars first and then two, what happened was as they were messaging this, as they were being authentic and vulnerable and taking responsibility and owning it and showing these people that they care more about their safety than making money or having a product, all of a sudden their stock started going back up and it went all the way back up past to where it was when the incident happened. And now Johnson and Johnson is a huge company.