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High-quality videos to share with your team

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 4:35 am
by nusaiba125
About a month or so after the conference, we release professionally edited videos of every presentation at the conference. Many of our ticket types include free access! Your colleagues won’t get to partake in the real-time experience (the #FOMO is real), but they will get a chance to learn everything you did. Great food on site We know that conference food isn’t typically worth mentioning, but MozCon is notorious for its cornucopia of tasty offerings.

You can expect two meals a day and loads of snacks from local Seattle azerbaijan whatsapp number data vendors — in the past, we’ve featured a smorgasbord from the likes of Trophy cupcakes, KuKuRuZa popcorn, and Starbucks’ Seattle Reserve cold brew. Discounts for purchasing early Early birds get to save big on their ticket cost; the earlier you purchase, the deeper the savings. But of course, don’t take our word for it! There are some incredible resources available at your fingertips that tout the benefits of attending conferences: The best planned, executed, and designed conference out there! I have attended in past years and brought my new team — I was hoping to dazzle them, and MozCon did! — Sarah S.


Outdoor Research Thank you so much for making MozCon another great success; Seattle is a destination on its own, and I look forward to attending again. — Jason D., Black Truck Media This was my first MozCon, and I had a blast. The people who work in this field are generally just amazing people, and the event was so well organized and run. I forgot how much I like being around people! — Jill H.