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The importance of Email Marketing in IT companies

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:34 am
by shammi88
The Buyer's Journey is nothing more than the path a potential Customer takes before making a purchase. But how does this journey work? To explain, we use the concept of the Customer Journey Map, an important business management tool to implement in your Information Technology (IT) company. Remember: it is through this map that you will discover what you need to do so that your product or service, at the end of the journey, is the Customer's final choice. The idea will always be to take them from the Buyer's Journey to the Customer Journey.

In this blog post, we will talk about the importance and reasons why you should develop a Customer Journey Map and how to use it to your Inbound Marketing strategies. Let’s get started!

Purchase Journey vs. Customer Journey
First of all, it is important to understand that the Customer Journey is, in fact, the evolution of the Purchase Journey . What differentiates one journey from the other uk number list is that, due to digital transformation and changes in habits, the Customer's journey naturally needed to go beyond completing the purchase. Of course, each company has its own Customer Journey and it can present different stages, such as the awareness, consideration, decision and post-sale phases. Here at OUTMarketing, we usually present it in four stages: adoption, retention, expansion and brand advocacy. In other words, the ultimate goal is to turn the Customer into a true fan and ambassador.

See an example of how we developed the Purchase Journey Map and the Customer Journey Map:

Purchase journey to Customer journey
What is a Customer Journey Map?
The path from the Purchase journey to the Customer journey is guided by a map. It is called the Customer Journey Map and its mission is to show how Customers are won over, throughout their entire purchasing experience, from the initial contact, through the engagement process to a long-term relationship.

The Customer Journey Map identifies, in detail, each step of the Customer's relationship with your company, allowing you to be aware of their entire behavior and thus be able to predict their actions. Through the map, it will be possible to identify what motivated the Customer to look for your products or services, where and how the first interaction with your company was, whether they followed your purchase suggestions, whether there was feedback, whether they recommend you to others and what encourages them to continue using and paying for your products and services.


Reasons to develop a Customer Journey Map
The biggest benefit of a Customer Journey Map for any company is the ability to better understand their expectations. However, there are other reasons why developing a Customer Journey Map is essential, such as:

Identify your Customers’ motivations, needs and potential pain points;
Improve sales funnel processes to accelerate your business growth (up-sell and cross-sell);
Find ways to improve customer communication and engagement with your company;
Improve customer retention strategies by identifying the points at which customers are most likely to stop using your product or service and what can be done to keep them loyal.