In my blog and YouTube videos, I suggest that a key type of video for customers to increase their trust in a business or brand is a video in which a human appears sharing knowledge and helpful information about a specific topic related to their business.
In the blog I mention: ““if on the contrary you make videos that are different from those of your competition (typical promotional videos), where you appear, a “real” person, a human with virtues and defects and you give advice, you will be teaching something new, real help and, therefore, something that will serve the lives of your potential clients.
Youtube video thumbnail
Even if you think that there are many people “doing the same thing”, that “there are already other videos on this topic that I can talk about”, the reality is that on the other side there will be someone who is interested in knowing what you know, from your context, which is always unique.
Your audience becomes your client when they begin to learn from your knowledge or experience, when they identify with your personality, your way of explaining, presenting, telling what you share.
That is why video is so important for conversion, especially for those who manage a personal brand.
In the video-post The psychology of video I explain it like this:
“With this type of video, you build rapport (psychological and emotional harmony) and also a certain relationship with the viewer.
Not only can people see your face, they can also hear your voice, how you move and behave.
If people feel they know who is behind the product or service, they will be more likely to buy it.”
In this way, you will gain their trust and, unconsciously, their fears of buying your products or services will dissipate.
In my case, my videos and YouTube channel serve to demonstrate my knowledge and the results of the service I offer.
When a potential profitable client contacts me to quote my consulting services on online presence and video marketing strategies, my best portfolio is my channel with constant content and more than two hundred thousand subscribers.
YouTube promotion and sales strategies for a small business
When my business accounting and tax return service provider expressed concern that I had no clear marketing strategy for the new branches I was opening in Southern California, the first thing I recommended was YouTube videos.
It was clear that her business was growing but now she was going to need more than word-of-mouth and traditional printed flyers as the responsibility of having more locations and more employees required a strategy to reach more people.
The challenge was that the budget was limited (as it always is for marketing) and that for a website and social media, a solid content strategy was needed that could be seen through residual results over time.
One advantage at that time was that I, as his client, knew that in the field of income tax and accounting for businesses there were many doubts and unresolved questions and therefore a great opportunity to take advantage of.
He was afraid of the idea of appearing on video, but I convinced him by telling him that he was the ideal person to appear on camera since he is the expert on the subject, he speaks with authority when answering his clients' questions, and that it will give them more confidence to see and hear the person to whom they will entrust their taxes and accounting.
We start by identifying the five most common questions your potential number code philippines customers tend to have.
I provided him with a guide to help him develop the answers to these questions, which would be the basis for the video scripts.
We arranged to meet him one morning to record and brought a digital camera, an external microphone to ensure better audio and a reflector to improve lighting.
He answered the questions on camera following the structure we indicated.
Although there were some normal errors, in the editing phase we fixed it by cutting some irrelevant parts and adding some visual elements and graphics to help present the information.
The call to action (CTA) focused on the phone number designated for online campaigns so that the impact of this effort could be measured.
I then uploaded the videos to YouTube and created the SEO strategy using the question (keyword) as the title, a description using the keyword and adding tags, and finally publishing them.
In this way, the videos were quickly positioned for important local keywords ( local SEO ), and in less than six months, half of the calls from new potential customers came from the videos posted on YouTube.
The impact on his business was so positive that he relied on the organic reach of the videos and did not invest in YouTube advertising despite my suggestions.
Today, they understand the importance of publishing valuable content and boosting it with some advertising and retargeting.