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How does Tangl see geometry?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:26 am
by thouhidul32
The construction industry is in the midst of a transition to information modeling technology, with many canada email list segments relying on solutions whose availability is now in question.
How does Tangl detect collisions and what does it mean?
How does native software see geometry?

Everything is so good? Where's the catch?


Tangl Control
Check BIM models for clashes and standards in 15 minutes

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At the same time, Russia has its own products that are being developed to solve a whole range of industry problems. Their creation and development have not always been determined by the tasks of import substitution alone - often, developers simply want to create a domestic product that covers individual or complex needs of the construction market.

However, there is a widespread opinion among companies that at the moment, among the software (hereinafter referred to as software) for working with a BIM model, there is no analogue to Autodesk Navisworks in terms of the effectiveness of clash checks.

I propose to debunk this myth - further in the article we will analyze how the process of checking for collisions is organized in two software programs Autodesk Navisworks and Tangl control and we will see with simple examples the effectiveness of this function in each of the software .

How does Tangl detect collisions and what does it mean?
The Tangl collision calculation core provides efficient detection of intersections (collisions) between objects in a 3D model.

The main task of collision detection is to determine the existence of pairs of objects that intersect or are located at a distance from each other less than a certain threshold (offset).

If such pairs are found, this indicates potential problems that may require adjustment or correction in the design or model.

How does native software see geometry?
Typically, if you create a model in some specialized software, it is described by various parametric algorithms and the figures they describe (cubes, spheres, extrusions, etc.), as well as their combinations.

Tangl control
Such geometry is easy to edit, it is easy to calculate volumes, areas, intersections, etc. However, such geometry usually exists only in software that also creates and edits.

How does Tangl see geometry?
The 3D model that comes into Tangl (where we look for collisions) is already represented as a mesh of triangles. Each object in the model consists of many such triangles. In this case, such geometry in the model is called triangulated geometry .

Tangl control
Triangles are the most basic and simple elements of 3D models. They are processed very efficiently by your graphics card. In fact, they are the only ones your graphics card understands, unlike all other types of geometry.

Tangl control
So any geometry that enters Tangl (as well as other modeling software such as Navisworks ) becomes triangulated.

Everything is so good? Where's the catch?
In fact, there are several. First, different software can triangulate complex geometry with many curved surfaces differently. This means that the resulting geometry is de facto not quite the same as it was in the original software.

Tangl control
And secondly, intersection analysis for triangulated geometry is a mathematically non-trivial problem that cannot be solved "head-on". You cannot simply determine the fact and degree of intersection of one triangulated volume with another.

What should we do?
Tangl focuses on multi-step analysis of derivatives of such geometry, as well as on the analysis of individual triangles and their groups.

Next, the results of individual iterations are combined, and the final fact of intersection is determined, as well as its “distance”, which we will touch on a little later.

The composition of these stages and the results of the check are also affected by the check mode: “ By intersection ” or “ By volume ”.