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For example: an order confirmation

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:31 am
by poxoja9630
Are you ready? Then buckle up, let's go! There are SMS and SMS: the different use cases To begin this blog, it is important to describe the 3 categories of SMS. Indeed, depending on the category, the regulations impose very specific rules. There are 3 categories of SMS: Marketing campaigns : Messages that are sent in bulk to multiple recipients. They are typically used to send promotions or advertising. Transactional : Messages that are sent following an event.

For example: an order confirmation or temporary password (OTP). Conversational : messages phone number philippines sent between a bot and a customer (called A2P or Application to Person) or between an employee and a customer (called P2P or Person to Person). There is the notion of bidirectional (“2-ways”): the recipient of the SMS responds to the SMS request and starts a conversation. Regulations and best practices good practices Sending SMS is highly regulated all over the world. Each country has its own regulatory specificities.

In France, ARCEP manages these rules, in collaboration with industry players. To facilitate the understanding of these rules, Twilio provides guidelines (recommendations and rules) in order to know for each country what the rules are for engaging with its customers. For example, you will find the guidelines for France here: https: Resources: the sender of your SMS An important point to understand in these rules is the notion of resource. Indeed, to send an SMS, you need a sender called a resource in the SMS world.


There are 4 types of resource for SMS: Long codes : these are so-called long numbers, with the capacity to send (and receive) SMS. In France, these are 10-digit mobile phone numbers starting with 06 or 07. Short codes : these are short numbers whose format varies by country. In France, these are 5-digit numbers that start with 36xxx (marketing use) or 38xxx (transactional use) Alpha Sender IDs : These are alphanumeric character strings that identify the sender of the SMS.