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How to Promote a Young Website Read Also No

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:37 am
by sadiksojib131
There are often cases when a well-written and truly informative longread ranks well for a query even without a direct occurrence. Local SEO Clicks on search results positions are distributed unevenly. The first three lines receive 70% of traffic, the remaining seven positions are content with the remaining 30%. The second page is of no interest to us for obvious reasons.

Dentistry (and medicine in general) is a subject where japan phone number list the site of a single non-network clinic is unlikely to get into the all-Russian top. Industry aggregators have firmly established themselves there. In large cities, the situation is not much different. In small towns, we can still claim a place on the first page, but for a metropolis, this is almost unrealistic.


Exceptions are situations when we, with our fresh and well-made site, take the place of some clinic that has been "hanging" in the top since the Middle Ages. But the chance is small. Modern algorithms clean the results from old sites that have frozen in their development. What to do? In fact, we don't have to be in the top of the search results for the whole city.

If we are talking about a single clinic or a small network, it is enough to take positions in the top for queries indicating local geography. Of course, the most illustrative example is Moscow or St. Petersburg, where they have long been “SEOing” website pages for queries like “implantation in the Sokol area” or “dentistry on Dybenko”.