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Digital tools for the auto business that will help you survive the crisis

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:12 am
by ashammi228
Call tracking and end-to-end analytics
Speech analytics
Lead Generator
What else? Experts' choice
Despite the crisis, the auto business has not stopped and Taiwan WhatsApp number marketers continue to actively work with online sales and deferred demand. Both approaches require increased attention to data. Let's consider what analytics tools no car dealer can do without now.

Call tracking and end-to-end analytics
With the help of call tracking and end-to-end analytics service, you receive data on all working advertising channels. With such statistics, you can see the points of user contact with all advertising channels, analyze the effectiveness of each in terms of campaigns, keywords, individual ads and make the right decisions on budget splitting.

Vera Lemekhova, head of the marketing headquarters of Avtomir

We use all the tools at any time: call tracking, call scoring, and lead generators. End-to-end analytics are always important. But during quarantine, it is especially important to carefully analyze traffic, since some tools change their effectiveness. Often it depends on the region of placement, brand, and even during the month it can change. During a crisis, it is necessary to flexibly set budgets for various media channels. It is necessary to spend funds very carefully and limit the daily budget. Monitor conversion into sales, and not just into calls. During the period of remote consulting, not all sales departments successfully cope with processing incoming traffic, and it is important to appropriately dose traffic to each dealership.

As for speech analytics, we have not yet had any positive experience using it, but we will continue to test this certainly promising tool.

Speech analytics
Speech analytics is developing very rapidly. Thanks to our clients from the automotive industry, we have compiled special reference books that have made the tool even smarter. Now our algorithm perfectly understands the names of brands and various terms used in the automotive market segment. We have also divided all traffic into incoming and outgoing calls, now they can be analyzed separately. This allows for significant savings, which is especially relevant now, and does not include unnecessary calls in the analysis.

How can speech analytics be useful today?

It will help reduce the time and costs of wiretapping calls. Now these resources can be distributed to other, more complex business tasks. Using a robot is much cheaper, since you only pay for the time of using the service, and do not hire a specialist on staff.
Allows you to control the quality of service. The efficiency of remote employees is a pain that has become especially relevant in the current conditions. A report on compliance with checklists will help with this. How does it work? You set certain script rules or indicate word forms that must be present in the conversation. The system analyzes each call and automatically notes whether the call corresponds to the points from the checklist. The final interface is a report on all operators, where each is assigned a rating.
Automatically tags all calls as targeted and non-targeted. This eliminates any disputes between departments: how high-quality are the leads that marketing brings and how sales managers process them. You can’t fool a robot — based on the specified criteria, it will assign each call a “lead” or “not a lead” tag and bring clarity to the work of each department.