it comes to positioning yourself against competitor

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it comes to positioning yourself against competitor

Post by [email protected] »

Potential competitors: Potential competitors are companies in similar industries who don’t compete with you yet but may move into your space eventually.
Partner competitors: Partner competitors don’t compete with you directly but compete with companies you partner with, such as those you subcontract with or those whose technology you use as part of your product or service.
Assess how often you face each competitor
Assessing your competitive relationships further can also help you uncover the best opportunities for improving your positioning.

First, you’ll need to assess how often you’re up against

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each competitor when working with leads. It’s helpful to track this information in your CRM, and your sales reps can provide additional information about it.

You can then assess your win and loss rates against each competitor and the size of those deals. This will help you determine your best opportunities when s.

Armed with this information, you can prioritize positioning your company against the competitors you face most often and have the most potential revenue to gain from beating more often.

Gather details about your competitors
Once you know which companies you want to look at as part of your competitive analysis, you can begin gathering information about them.

Start with basic information such as their products or services, pricing, and company size. You can use this information to compare your company with competitors and determine how to position yourself.

You can typically find this information online via company websites, profiles, and industry reports.

Research competitors’ sales strategies
You can also research your competitors’ sales strategies as part of your analysis. This information can be challenging to find, but even a little bit of insight can be beneficial in creating your sales strategy.

You may be able to find some relevant information on your competitors’ websites, such as whether they have a partner reselling program.
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