All in all, this update from Google will bring about many changes within search engine marketing. Is your website or webshop highly dependent on Google? Then make sure you quickly diversify within your online marketing strategy. You do not want to be dependent on 1 source. Furthermore, Google will reserve placements from the Google Ads program, so this will also change things for SEA marketers.
These are exciting times for SEO marketers. Although email hong kong Google says it still wants to send traffic to websites, the concerns about zero-click SEO seem justified. No one knows yet how this will actually work out, but the advice is to take a good look at your online marketing mix and introduce diversification.
Photo header: Diego Thomazini /
SEO Marketers: Getting Started
Responding to the exciting times that these developments bring? You can do this by broadening your knowledge of SEO and examining various aspects that Niels shared. Such a process requires a good approach and direct action. A useful training on SEO can help you with this. View here