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I particularly felt encouraged by Jen's posts here

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:29 am
by zihadhasan012
My time was not wasted; in fact it has been shown to help, although the drop in the "important" keywords is heart breaking for my coworkers, for me its not that important. I now have been slowing down on the updates, and I am trying to see which changes I am doing now that help. Adding an H1 tag, bolding this term and unbolding that, and writing more user friendly copy on the category pages. But where do I go from here? Or rather, where does it end? The quest continues, and now I have the SEOmoz community behind me, offering encouragement at every turn.

Seeing how she also came from a development background. In iran mobile phone numbers database fact, it was her posts that got me to register and start commenting. I have two points of view, my original developer perspective which almost every single change I have done has been based from, and my new found SEO viewpoint, tracking those SERPs (and yes, SERP was never a term I had in my vocabulary!). I now have two months of Google Analytics history to use, and the steady increase in visitor percentages is nothing short of fantastic.

I only wish I knew more on how to use it. So to recap (and stop rambling!) I had four major updates: Relevant titles, improved meta descriptions, a much smoother and understandable checkout process and knowledge base, and much less marketing keyword spam, including hidden keywords. Almost all of which has shown nothing but a tangible benefit. My last remaining struggle is trying to show up on the first page again for those few "important" keywords my managers use as a baseline for gauging our performance against.

Thankfully I have all of these extra sales and pages showing up in SERPs to use in my fight to say that removing the massive keyword spam is nothing but a benefit. So to all you developers out there, what we know best is finding problems and fixing them. I knew nothing about SEO (I only recently in the last month discovered this site, oh how I wish I found it sooner!) so I went with what I knew, making the user experience better and more pleasant.