I hadn't written this letter for a couple of years... Maybe because in 2019 I already had a feeling of what was to come, of this scourge that we had to (and still have to) suffer like a little bug that altered our lives... If we add a volcano to that, what a cocktail!
There was the 2013 Letter , the 2014 Letter , the 2015 Letter , the 2016 Letter , the 2017 Letter and the last one, the 2018 Letter ; this year I wanted to take up the tradition again…
First of all, for all those who are reading one of my letters for the first time, I would like to explain in two lines what they are about. It is a humble and profound text, in which I wish even my enemies, those from the East, the camels, the reindeer and Co., to bring them “things” .
Dear Three Wise Men, Santa Claus, reindeer, camels and co.:
I'll start with a "sorry" . Please excuse my lapses... I've always been, and you know it, one of the first to wish happy birthdays, special dates, Christmas... but one also gets tired of always being the first. Without bitterness, I tell you that now it's your turn; don't be afraid to try it, it's magic.
I think of you all a lot, and, even if I'm on a plane, a high-speed train, a bus or driving for miles, I've always had time to say hello, call or send you a message, lately an audio message, you know, it's something more personal (and faster).
I ask in this letter that you be happy, and not just with a “Merry Christmas” , but with a “Happy LIFE ” , which is not the same thing.
I ask those of you from the East to do magic on you so that you keep this Christmas spirit all year long. Let us not have to wait for these dates to write to each other, the year is long and the distance makes it even longer.
You can always count on me, even at night, you know that I put my phone in “airplane mode”, but I promise to answer in the morning… ,)
There are fewer and fewer of you, not list of telegram users in india because I don't deserve you, but because you are fast and I am a long distance runner; you get tired and I get less tired; you talk too much and lose energy, I save it for what is really important.
The tongue is a muscle, but you give my life so many arm wrestles that you end up stiff as a jerky…
In the last letter (2018), I claimed that “electrical words… ears unplugged” , honestly, I don’t care… At the price we are paying for electricity, you will go bankrupt sooner, for sure.
I ask those from the East, Santa Claus and co. to give them a bottle of water, it must be agonizing to work so much the muscle mentioned above instead of the brain, but the latter is more difficult, I know, that is why I recommend that you bring them as a gift, the book “Man's Search for
Meaning” by the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Emil Frankl ; it is from 1946, the same year that Syd Barrett, the founder of Pink Floyd, was born, so while you are at it, put on “musical pairing” mode , a good song by this band while you read (slowly, you will quickly get distracted and start eating “steak”).
To corrupt politicians
Phew, what a disappointment… I have been asking for you for so many years that it seems to me that you are one of the worst species on the globe. Did you know that 99% of all the species that have ever existed on this planet are extinct? Well, let’s get going, you are as redundant as the restaurant service is when there is a last-minute cancellation…
The worst thing is not you, nor what you say, nor what you do, the really stupid ones are us, the rest of the earthlings who believe your recurring lies and justice, which serves little purpose in these matters… You are like the Malaysian Abu Zarin Hussin, one of the most famous snake charmers.
Three years ago, when he was 33, he died from a cobra bite; you do not die, but you do “get paid” . And you get paid in A, B and even in Z from “foxes” . You use envelopes for everything except sending Christmas cards… The latter is out of fashion, I know, but if the electricity price keeps going up, we will have to turn off the computers and go back to sending letters… or smoke signals… who knows, whatever they “charge” us less for… Shameless.