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Zoom Session: “Customer Loyalty” EMC Network

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:39 am
by jrine
Next Thursday at 12:00, I will participate in EMC Network, with a session aimed at Customer Loyalty .

EMC Network is a collaborative network that acts as an accelerator platform for companies to do business.

We provide the best service to our end customers and seek the sustainability of companies by sharing experiences.

For a few weeks now, in order to make the most of the necessary #StayAtHome , they have been holding different Networking sessions via Zoom.

Next time, on Thursday 9th at 12:00 , I will talk about something as important as customer loyalty.

Nowadays, and even more so with the “aggravating” situation we are experiencing, companies need to be stronger with what they already have.

Customer loyalty is another list of telegram users in indonesia marketing tool . It is a “tool” that must be planned and, in addition, must be aligned with the different strategies of the company.

In addition to my intervention, a “virtual elevator pitch” will be held , in which participating companies will be able to present themselves, with the intention of meeting the objectives I indicated above.

I provide you with the registration link, it's free! CLICK HERE

Normally, when there are few sales, we worry more about reaching potential customers, “leaving aside” current customers.

It is something that is repeated in a generalized way among companies, and it is an almost invisible error…

Through different tips, recommendations and success stories , I will try to show that in many cases, it is more profitable to work on loyalty than on other seemingly more important actions.