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They create a 3D printer that makes Marketing Directors

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:55 am
by jrine
After 5 years of research at the Canadian university “The Tiles” , this morning an invention was presented at the Teatrino de la Casa del Quinto , which will undoubtedly mark a before and after in the world of Marketing: the 3D printer that generates Marketing Directors.

In the words of Crow's Beak Research Group Prototype Chief, La Palma native Victorius Ten Dal :

“This technology will ensure that the lack of Directors in the world of Marketing will no longer be a serious problem for LinkedIn BIOs”

The materials used are the following in percentages:

Since 2012, the metrics for this type of professional have been suffering a significant decline, as it is estimated that in that year there were 195,000 Marketing israel telegram mobile phone number list Directors in Spain, compared to the 300 that survive today. This project will put an end to this problem, and according to the words of the Director of Expansion of the patent, also from La Palma, Luis Mulberry :

“In 2020, our idea is to be able to produce 10,000 Marketing Directors a day, so that we have a ratio of 1 for every 10 inhabitants in the short term”

The partners who have financed this ambitious and necessary innovation are of different kinds, highlighting:

After the apparent success of this technology, researchers have requested funding from the Ministry of the Plain Clara to carry out a similar study focused on the creation of Personal Brand “ experts” . Although at first, they hesitated to allocate their efforts to Coaching professionals , finally, and after the recommendations of Eva Collado Durán , Personal Brand will be the next area to be addressed; however, and depending on the budget, they would make the initial prototype in 3D or 10D.

I will continue to inform you about these advances, always interesting for those of us who are “just starting out” in Marketing and Advertising… ,)