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Ideas for #BlackFriday in your business

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:45 am
by jrine
Yes, we have to admit that this idea also comes from the United States, like so many others that have taken the spotlight away from our traditions or activities. Black Friday , or in strict Spanish “ViernesNegro” , was born in the “Yankee” country more or less in the mid-sixties. Specifically in 1966, when the police in charge of regulating traffic in Philadelphia began to use this term to refer to the complicated traffic that made it impossible for pedestrians and vehicles to circulate through the streets the day after “Thanksgiving” .

There are also those who explain the terminology of “black” to the fact that the accounts of businesses on that day stopped being red, turning into a black color, encouraging their survival.

Black Friday marks the beginning of Christmas shopping in the United States, as it always falls on a Friday, just after Thanksgiving , celebrated on the last Thursday of every November. But like so many things, and especially those that have to do with “consumption” , it has spread to almost every corner of the world japan telegram data very quickly. In Spain , for example, it has been celebrated in a more organized way for the past 4 years, and stores, shops, and large chains take advantage of the “slipstream” of the name of this action to try to advance Christmas shopping, make themselves known, eliminate stock or simply sell more, which after all, is almost always the objective.

After this brief review of the term Black Friday, its history and foundation, I give you a series of ideas to implement in your businesses:

Use video for promotion

In these 4 years of Black Friday in Spain, businesses have limited themselves to offering discounts, sales or promotions, that is, the same old thing. They need to surprise their target audience, humanize the brand, and speak to them “face to face” .

Tell them your offer, but with a voice, a smile and persuasion…

Output to the warehouse

There are always products that we have left in stock, or some clothes, watches, household items... of which we order more than necessary. Take advantage of the opportunity to run promotions with these products, as they do not generate profits in the warehouse, but rather the opposite, constant losses (and take up space).

Create a product pack

A good strategy is to combine products. It has been proven that consumers tend to opt for packs around Christmas time, as they will use them for gifts and other things.

Be original

I'm tired of seeing the typical 10%, 20%, 30% discounts... don't you? Be creative, invent, come up with ideas, propose... We have to give a different touch to promotions. To give you an example, I once saw in a small store that their discount was on food, that is, the difference in the real price was given to you on groceries. I don't value utility per se, I value originality...

On another occasion, they gave you up to 10% more discount if you paid in pesetas…

In Spain there are still 1.661 billion euros in pesetas left unexchanged!

Plan your strategy

Measure your time carefully… Is the promotion only for Friday? Will you extend your campaign over the weekend? Study your target audience carefully, identify needs to be met, extend the promotion, but in moderation.

Use social media