Title Tag
The title tag appears as the title of your page in search results.
Example of title tag
Note: Google doesn't always rely on title tags to generate titles in search results. Sometimes, it rewrites your titles to match the user's query. To learn more about this update, click here .
Title tags are often the first piece of information people use to decide which results to click on in search results.
Here are some tips for writing optimal title tags for your pages.
Limit your titles to 60 characters – Google tends to truncate titles longer than 60 characters.
Use your primary keyword – Google considers japan phone data the keywords in the title of the page to determine what the page is about.
Add click-through modifiers – For example, “best”, “top” or the current year. This can increase your CTR (click-through rate).
Meta Description
The meta description is the descriptive snippet of your page in search results.
Note : Google does not always display the meta description specified in the HTML code. Sometimes it goes ahead and generates a description that it thinks is more relevant to users based on the query they are searching for.
Meta descriptions are not a direct ranking factor. But a compelling meta description can improve your CTR.
Here are some ideas to keep in mind when writing your meta descriptions:
Limit your meta descriptions to 120 characters – Google tends to truncate meta descriptions that are longer than 120 characters.
Include your keyword in it – Google bolds words and phrases in the meta description that match the search query.
Write something click-worthy, not clickbait – Accurately summarize the content of the page.
Example of meta description
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