12 tricks to sell more on Mercado Libre

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12 tricks to sell more on Mercado Libre

Post by asimd23 »

1. Use the catalog section
The first of Mercado Libre's strategies to sell more focuses on the "catalog" tool that will help you gain visibility.

Catalog listings are those that are associated with the marketplace's inventory. This gives them more visibility to compete with other sellers on the site. Mercado Libre catalog products appear higher in searches and this significantly increases the chances of making sales.

Finally, it provides you with good quality photos and a more detailed product description (key point, as we will see below).

2. Optimize your search engine positioning
This is one of the most important tricks to brazil phone data sell more on Mercado Libre . When users enter keywords in the search engine, the posts are ordered on the results page according to their relevance. Those that appear higher up have more chances of being clicked and, consequently, closing transactions.

And how does the tool identify which publications are most relevant to sort them? There are several factors to improve Mercado Libre publications and increase their quality. The most important ones are:

seller's reputation
the price
the geographical area in relation to the buyer
the title
the description
The last two points are so important that we have dedicated an exclusive section to them. Let's go into detail about them and continue learning how to sell more on Mercado Libre !

3. Write complete titles and descriptions
What would happen if, as a potential buyer, you go to Mercado Libre and see this post?

Example of publication in Mercado Libre

It probably doesn’t look very tempting, does it? Besides the poor quality of the photo (we’ll talk about that in the next point), the only thing the title says is “Nokia Lumia 630”. While it gives you an idea of ​​the product, it’s not enough.

Ideally, the title alone should be able to tell exactly what you're offering. That way, when a person performs a search, they're more likely to click on your product just by reading the name of the post.

By providing a clear and concise description of the product in the title of the post, you will improve the shopping experience because the user understands in advance whether that is what they are looking for or not.

In this case, it would have been useful for the title to indicate the condition of the product, what accessories it comes with, which telephone company it belongs to and/or some technical information (such as the amount of storage space available). For example, “Nokia Lumia 520 from Movistar 2 GB in perfect condition, includes all accessories.”

Similarly, the description is the space to give more specifications about the product. The goal is to attract the buyer with the features, but also to be transparent, in case what you sell has a factory defect or a problem due to use.

If you sell through an online store, this works the same on the product page. For example, using the Tiendanube platform you can add item variants, size charts, and more.

Extra tip ! Instead of using an image with embedded text, it is advisable to use the “Text Only” option. This will make the post load faster and look better on mobile devices.

We recommend that you avoid copying content from other publications, as this may harm your reputation on the site and you could face penalties from Mercado Libre.
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