Have you heard about Content Marketing? Do you have an idea of what it is about, but you are not totally convinced that it is applicable to your company or venture? Can't figure out what steps you should follow to be part of this new marketing trend? If at any time you have asked yourself any of these questions, then you are in the right place!
In this article we will introduce you to the world of digital marketing , more specifically content marketing , and explain the importance of using it in any company, as it is the most effective and efficient way to reach your customers.
How did we get to Content Marketing?: the evolution of Marketing
Marketing, in the business environment, is the form of communication that we all have with those around us. We could say that marketing is the two-way communication between the company and the market . In other words, its main objective is to obtain information from the market and send information to it, in order to contribute to achieving the ultimate goal of every company, which is to increase its profitability.
This is why marketing seeks to permanently streamline the company's communication with the market , detecting needs, defining products, prices, advertising actions... seeking to reduce costs and increase the organization's income.
Thus, in its early days, marketing focused on the product : there was so nepal phone number much demand for products that all companies did was place products on the market and they were sold without any other additional action.
Over time, the range of similar products increased, and marketing realized that the market had developed and was no longer satisfied with just the product, but was asking for more. Companies began to provide services.
The era of service marketing meant that the product was accompanied by customer service, after-sales service, installation, support, etc.
However, the market was not satisfied with services. Consumers realized that all companies provided the same services, and forced them to migrate to a new dimension: the sale of experiences .
It was no longer just a matter of delivering a product with all the services, but the company that won the customer's attention was the one that offered the best experiences. This is how theme restaurants appeared, where the Chinese, Indian, American, Italian experience was sold; exotic holiday destinations, where the experience of going to unique places where no one had been was sold; healthy food products, etc. Marketing began to involve the customer more in the purchasing process.