When employees go to work without motivation, because their needs and expectations are not met by the organization they work for, they cannot provide the customer with that unique experience necessary to differentiate the company from the rest of the competition. Today we will learn how to improve the work environment through endomarketing.
Economic or short-term motivations are often not an option, but in others they would not even be enough to reverse the effects of a bad working environment . To generate commitment and a sense of belonging to the company, the organization must be able to communicate to the worker that:
He is interested in you as a worker and as a person.
He considers him a partner, a strategic ally.
He aims to be closer to listen to him and co-create with him.
He wants me to be a brand ambassador.
He wants to show you the organization he is part of and contributes to.
In order to successfully transmit these values, the company needs nigeria phone number implement an endomarketing strategy , or marketing oriented towards the company's interior.
How to implement an endomarketing strategy to improve the work environment?
There are various strategies to improve the organizational climate . The endomarketing strategy will have three pillars: establishing communication channels, motivating workers, and integrating staff into external marketing actions.
– Establish communication channels
Communication must be bidirectional and extend across all departments of the company, regardless of hierarchy. The aim is to encourage the contribution of new points of view and the creation of new ideas. Encourage innovation initiatives, feedback and collaborative work.
Here, technology assists us in the task with a large number of tools that facilitate communication within a company, and that can be integrated into an endomarketing strategy .
Among the most useful tools that can be used to collect opinions and evaluate the work environment are online surveys . These surveys can be easily created from products offered on the market.
With them, any department head can propose to his or her employees to participate in a survey, collect opinions, and submit the conclusions to HR management in order to detect aspects that can be improved.
-Worker motivation
Another way to improve the work environment through endomarketing is to motivate workers. We must encourage them to take team actions that improve the culture of coexistence between people and departments. To do this we can resort to various strategies such as:
Social networks and corporate multimedia channels.
Electronic mailbox for suggestions and online surveys .
Training courses for work groups.
Gamification strategies to encourage competition.
Promote solidarity, artistic, sporting and recreational activities, promoted by employees and their families.
BTL strategies that include influencers or public figures who serve as role models for employees.
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– Integration of staff in external marketing actions
To achieve the commitment of all company members in the effort to communicate and satisfy the customer, we must involve everyone in the dissemination, making them ambassadors of the company.