Best Search Engines Alternative to Google
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 4:08 am
PR[A] : PageRank value of a page A;
n : number of pages containing at least one link to page A;
Pk : the kth page having at least one link to page A;
PR[Pk] : PageRank value of the kth page Pk;
C[Pk] : the total number of links present in the kth page Pk;
d (damping factor) : this is a constant decided by Google arabinfo24 whatsapp and which should be equal to 0.85, but which Google can vary.
Basically, Google takes into consideration three factors when calculating the PageRank of a web page, which are:
The quantity and quality of inbound links;
The number of outgoing links on each linking page;
The PageRank of each linking page.
So the PageRank score of a page “A” increases based on the number of pages that contain links to that page, i.e. the factor “n” above the sum (from K=1 to n), and the damping factor which defines the amount of PageRank transferred from one page to another.
The origins: Hyperlink induced Topic Search
The precursor to the PageRank patent was HITS ( Hyperlink induced Topic Search), an algorithm in use until 2004 that evaluated a web page according to two distinct principles:
as a hub, therefore as a directory catalog page, which links to pages with more or less authoritative content;
or according to the authority of the contents, therefore according to the quality and richness of the information provided to the user.
In 2004, Krishna Bharat and Monika Henzinger refined HITS with a new algorithm that aimed to rank pages containing documents with similar content.
n : number of pages containing at least one link to page A;
Pk : the kth page having at least one link to page A;
PR[Pk] : PageRank value of the kth page Pk;
C[Pk] : the total number of links present in the kth page Pk;
d (damping factor) : this is a constant decided by Google arabinfo24 whatsapp and which should be equal to 0.85, but which Google can vary.
Basically, Google takes into consideration three factors when calculating the PageRank of a web page, which are:
The quantity and quality of inbound links;
The number of outgoing links on each linking page;
The PageRank of each linking page.
So the PageRank score of a page “A” increases based on the number of pages that contain links to that page, i.e. the factor “n” above the sum (from K=1 to n), and the damping factor which defines the amount of PageRank transferred from one page to another.

The origins: Hyperlink induced Topic Search
The precursor to the PageRank patent was HITS ( Hyperlink induced Topic Search), an algorithm in use until 2004 that evaluated a web page according to two distinct principles:
as a hub, therefore as a directory catalog page, which links to pages with more or less authoritative content;
or according to the authority of the contents, therefore according to the quality and richness of the information provided to the user.
In 2004, Krishna Bharat and Monika Henzinger refined HITS with a new algorithm that aimed to rank pages containing documents with similar content.