1.- Generation Z prefers traditional advertising
Kantar Millward Brown ’s latest study has shown that Gen Z is more open to whatsapp number in australia Out-of-Home Marketing than to digital advertising . This could be due to the generation’s strong connection to the Internet. In other words, they don’t want advertisers “invading” their home.
Given that Gen Z uses their mobile to access the Internet as their primary means of communication and entertainment, they don't want ads while browsing. In fact, they use more adblockers than ever before.

So, how do you expect an email marketing campaign for Gen Z to be effective? You simply need to tailor your email marketing campaign to what Gen Z is looking for, such as a highly personalized experience and a non-salesy message.
2.- The Zs are used to fast content
Email Marketing for Generation Z Fast Content
So not only will you have to optimize your Email Marketing strategy for Generation Z to get their attention, but the content of your email must also be impactful, fast, concise and useful.
Gen Z users aren’t willing to give you more than a few seconds of their time, no matter how good your email piece is. In fact, they won’t give you more than 5 seconds to engage with your content or invest more than 30 seconds to get your message across before moving on to the next piece of content.
Your job is to cut through the noise and stand out. Your work will start from optimizing the subject line itself, which, of course, should include emojis . This means that you need to focus on creating quick and engaging creative content. Videos, images, infographics, etc. work especially well in Email Marketing for Gen Z.
Gen Zers will engage with written content, but they must first be drawn in with a clear image, strong headlines, and a clear message.
3.- They seek to integrate all communication with social networks
Email Marketing for Generation Z networks