always keep the materials or at least some of them with you;
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:18 am
economics and law", aimed at postgraduate students and applicants for academic degrees.
It is possible to do without a DOI, but today scientists should still use the capabilities of this identifier, because it helps to increase recognition in the global scientific community and promotes domestic science in the international arena.
Make learning easy
When time is really short, you need to make scientific philippine whatsapp number work as simple as possible. But it is important not to simplify things too much, giving up the real practice necessary to achieve good results. It is enough to create conditions in which it will be easy and quick for you to start doing science:
set up a comfortable workspace where you can organize your materials by category and importance;
group all the tedious start-up work together and do it first, so that everything else gets done easier and faster.
It is essential to think through the issue of publishing the results of your scientific work in advance. From the collected materials, you can form articles and place them in well-known publications. In the journal "Current Research" of APNI, it is possible to publish scientific articles by students , postgraduates, researchers, educators, teachers and any other employees or students. Here you can post your work, and the material will be checked by editors for errors and uniqueness, which guarantees the absence of any shortcomings in the text.
Sacrifice less important matters
Watching TV series, playing video games, social networks, staring at your phone - all this interferes with scientific work and simply distracts you from any other work. It is worth giving up such things for a while or at least limiting the time spent on them, for example, watching a TV series every other day or once every couple of days. After a month, you will easily determine what you want to return to and what you can easily do without. At work, you can delegate monotonous work to junior staff, at a university - tie science to a specific job, for example, a coursework, thereby combining two things.
Focus on one project at a time
A simple rule is to do only one project at a time. For example, if you need to write and publish an article for a teacher certification , then you should only do that. After publication, you can return to other areas of scientific activity, and if you find that you have enough time, you can do several things at once.
It is possible to do without a DOI, but today scientists should still use the capabilities of this identifier, because it helps to increase recognition in the global scientific community and promotes domestic science in the international arena.
Make learning easy
When time is really short, you need to make scientific philippine whatsapp number work as simple as possible. But it is important not to simplify things too much, giving up the real practice necessary to achieve good results. It is enough to create conditions in which it will be easy and quick for you to start doing science:
set up a comfortable workspace where you can organize your materials by category and importance;
group all the tedious start-up work together and do it first, so that everything else gets done easier and faster.
It is essential to think through the issue of publishing the results of your scientific work in advance. From the collected materials, you can form articles and place them in well-known publications. In the journal "Current Research" of APNI, it is possible to publish scientific articles by students , postgraduates, researchers, educators, teachers and any other employees or students. Here you can post your work, and the material will be checked by editors for errors and uniqueness, which guarantees the absence of any shortcomings in the text.
Sacrifice less important matters
Watching TV series, playing video games, social networks, staring at your phone - all this interferes with scientific work and simply distracts you from any other work. It is worth giving up such things for a while or at least limiting the time spent on them, for example, watching a TV series every other day or once every couple of days. After a month, you will easily determine what you want to return to and what you can easily do without. At work, you can delegate monotonous work to junior staff, at a university - tie science to a specific job, for example, a coursework, thereby combining two things.
Focus on one project at a time
A simple rule is to do only one project at a time. For example, if you need to write and publish an article for a teacher certification , then you should only do that. After publication, you can return to other areas of scientific activity, and if you find that you have enough time, you can do several things at once.