This new legal framework for solar
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:22 am
Solar Energy Law: understand its impacts for consumers and market professionals
2 years ago
Solar Energy , Leads , Digital Marketing , Sales
Solar Energy Law, understand what Law 14,300/2022 says.
Sanctioned in January 2022, Law 14,300 brought some impacts indonesia phone number list for those who already generate their own energy or intend to install a photovoltaic solar plant.
energy includes rules previously only guaranteed by regulatory resolution from Aneel.
Charging a fee that will hit your electricity bill is the main one, but that doesn't mean that investing in solar energy is no longer worth it.
In today's post we will explain how the solar energy law works and answer some essential questions. Keep reading.
What is Law 14.300/2022?
Although it brings other changes, the main rule of the new law concerns the payment of a fee that changes the composition of the electricity bill . This is why it became known as the “sun tax” law .
People who purchase a photovoltaic system from 2023 onwards will be included in the new rule . Basically, those who generate solar energy will also be responsible for using the infrastructure made available by the distributor during periods when there is no simultaneous generation, which was not the case until now.
This fee refers to the payment of the previously exempt Fio B, which is part of the Distribution System Usage Tariff (TUSD). To explain the new fee, we first need to understand how the fees paid on the electricity bill are divided.
Composition of the electricity bill
The electricity bill is divided between the Energy Tariff (TE) and the Distribution System Usage Tariff (TUSD). The TUSD amount also includes other charges , in addition to losses that may occur in the distributor's system.
The electricity bill also includes taxes such as ICMS and PIS/COFINS , all applied directly to the KWh, in addition to the tariff flags paid for each KWh according to the category (green, yellow, red and black flags). Finally, there is also a fee for services such as public lighting.
To better understand the new solar energy law, it is important that you know the meaning of three important terms: TUSD, Wire B and concurrency .
What is TUSD, Fio B and concurrency?
TUSD: Acronym for Tariff for the Use of Distribution Systems, it corresponds to the monetary value used in the monthly billing of consumers for the use of electrical energy from the energy distribution system. It is divided between Wire A, substation costs and national integration and Wire B.
Wire B : Determined by the concessionaire and validated annually by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), Wire B is the amount paid for the transmission lines from the distributor to the residence, that is, referring to the cost of the services provided by the energy distributor. It varies according to the region of the country.
2 years ago
Solar Energy , Leads , Digital Marketing , Sales
Solar Energy Law, understand what Law 14,300/2022 says.
Sanctioned in January 2022, Law 14,300 brought some impacts indonesia phone number list for those who already generate their own energy or intend to install a photovoltaic solar plant.
energy includes rules previously only guaranteed by regulatory resolution from Aneel.
Charging a fee that will hit your electricity bill is the main one, but that doesn't mean that investing in solar energy is no longer worth it.
In today's post we will explain how the solar energy law works and answer some essential questions. Keep reading.
What is Law 14.300/2022?
Although it brings other changes, the main rule of the new law concerns the payment of a fee that changes the composition of the electricity bill . This is why it became known as the “sun tax” law .
People who purchase a photovoltaic system from 2023 onwards will be included in the new rule . Basically, those who generate solar energy will also be responsible for using the infrastructure made available by the distributor during periods when there is no simultaneous generation, which was not the case until now.
This fee refers to the payment of the previously exempt Fio B, which is part of the Distribution System Usage Tariff (TUSD). To explain the new fee, we first need to understand how the fees paid on the electricity bill are divided.
Composition of the electricity bill
The electricity bill is divided between the Energy Tariff (TE) and the Distribution System Usage Tariff (TUSD). The TUSD amount also includes other charges , in addition to losses that may occur in the distributor's system.
The electricity bill also includes taxes such as ICMS and PIS/COFINS , all applied directly to the KWh, in addition to the tariff flags paid for each KWh according to the category (green, yellow, red and black flags). Finally, there is also a fee for services such as public lighting.
To better understand the new solar energy law, it is important that you know the meaning of three important terms: TUSD, Wire B and concurrency .
What is TUSD, Fio B and concurrency?
TUSD: Acronym for Tariff for the Use of Distribution Systems, it corresponds to the monetary value used in the monthly billing of consumers for the use of electrical energy from the energy distribution system. It is divided between Wire A, substation costs and national integration and Wire B.
Wire B : Determined by the concessionaire and validated annually by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), Wire B is the amount paid for the transmission lines from the distributor to the residence, that is, referring to the cost of the services provided by the energy distributor. It varies according to the region of the country.