How to promote on VKontakte How to promote on VKontakte The service was created by Pavel Durov in 2006 in the image and likeness of an overseas social network, but very quickly went in its development in a completely different direction. And as we all see, in the right direction. The shock that people felt when they were forced to return to VK didn't last long.
Nail and eyelash artists, wedding photographers and toastmasters australia whatsapp number list with interesting contests are massively reviving old profiles and learning new tools. Over the two weeks of March, VK's daily audience in Russia increased by 4 million . The number of daily registrations increased by almost 20% , the number of new friendships by 250%. This means that the service is used by more than 50 million people per day .
The record for video views was reached on March 14, 2022 — more than 715 million times. The number of feed views per day increased by 25% — users scroll through billions of posts and share millions of comments — 24% more often than in February. According to the press service of VKontakte While you were away.
What's new in VK for business? It must be said that VK, in general, did not lose sight of trends. Much of what the audience found in other products was successfully implemented. New Content Types In addition to the familiar microblog, where you can publish text posts with media attachments (Durov, bring back the wall!), new types of content and interactions with friends and subscribers have appeared.
Stories A functional analogue of stories, available for use by both personal accounts and communities. There is a separate menu item specifically for them. You can post pictures and short videos in stories (the length of one story is up to 15 seconds), add stickers, audio from the music library, graffiti and text. The story lives the usual 24 hours.
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